Did I care enough?
Did I care enough is an answer that each of us must in it's fullest relize ask God to help us comprehend and to full fill on this journey throught this world to Heaven's Golden shore. Do you want to go there? God wants you there as well as me and anyone else that is alive. But if we are going there me need to know Jesus and follow in His foot steps of sharing and caring! I have a few prayer request that I hold very dear to my heart because they are prayer request for friends who I hold dear to my heart because I want to see them in Heaven. The land of peaceful bliss, a never ending adventure.
1. I would like prayer for a friend named Taylor who is really struggling in her life. I ask for you to join with me in lifting her for God's tender mercies to reach her in a more abundant way that GOD'S will be done.
2. I ask prayer for another friend named Hillary. She is also struggling, and God will win! But it will make it easier if we would kneel and pray for God's wirking to be done.
3. Please pray for Korah, She has been struggling with depression and needs a way out with God. Please pray that she feels God's tender hand and relizes how much He did for just her.
4. Please pray for me as I study God's word and prepare myself for Heaven's Golden shore. I also ask you pray for me as I call people and have prayer with them.
Thank you for caring and giving a helpful hand in praying. Many think that there gifts are not nothing to big for any good but our dear Lord and Saviour has given all the talent of prayer. I challenge you to use it now. God is waiting to hear your voice lifted up for those in need and to see that you care. I am not trying to send you on a guilt trip, I am only giving you the oportunity to share and care as did Jesus when he walked this earth and continues to do. God Bless.
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